
How Much 5 10 15 Fertilizer For A 1700 Sq Ft Garden

Sea Minerals Fertilizer

Canadians can get it here

If you're lucky enough to live right beside the ocean, I'm envious of not only your view, but the incredible fertilizer you may have at your doorstep.

Sea minerals fertilizer is one of my favorite organic fertilizers. It has dramatically improved the health and increased the growth and yield of many of my plants.

Waterways and volcanoes have been adding to the sea for hundreds of millions of years, which is why it's so dense with nutrients.

That's what we want to emulate in our gardens.

Fortunately, these days, we all have access to it, even if we live far away from the sea.

Here's a video:

Benefits Of Sea Minerals Fertilizer

Sea Minerals Fertilizer On Raspberries

Yes, the ocean has sodium, but it also has over over 90 other elements that are immediately available to plants upon application.

While only 17-20 elements are deemed "essential" to plants, we know they use more than 40 of them for so-called non-essential uses, and I'll be surprised if that number doesn't continue to go up.

This list of benefits of using seawater as a fertilizer is long:

  • Increased yield
  • Increased nutrient-density, brix, and flavor
  • Improve soil tilth and microbial diversity
  • Improve tolerance of drought, pests, transplant shock
Sea Minerals Fertilizer On Carrots

Dr. Maynard Murray was one of the early pioneers of using sea minerals for fertilizer. He purchased a farm and started bringing railroad cars of ocean water in to fertilize it.

He got bigger yields, tastier and more nutritious food, far fewer pests and just healthier plants in general.

We want our plants to have more minerals for their own benefit, and if we're eating them, for our benefit, too, not only for the minerals themselves but also because vitamins, enzymes, and proteins need minerals, and we need vitamins, enzymes, and proteins.

How To Use Straight Ocean Water In The Garden

Ocean water, Oregon

If you live near the ocean, and the water there isn't too polluted, you can use that water directly in the garden.

Yes, the whole ocean is somewhat polluted at this point, but unless you're close to a particularly polluted part of it, like near a big city or industrial area, it's still worthwhile to use it.

As for application rate, early experiments showed that various plants would take anywhere from 1000-3000ml of sea water per square foot of soil.

That's a lot! Apparently 1 application would last for 5 years.

If I was doing it, based on what I've learned, I would apply much less, just 5ml per square foot, which is 5000ml per 1000 square feet.

I'd mix it in 10 times as much water and apply it that 4 times per year every year, for both foliar and soil applications.

Finding A Quality Sea Mineral Fertilizer

Sea Minerals fertilizer on apples

If you don't have access to the ocean, there are a number of products on the market.

The 2 categories are 1) sea solids (basically sea salt), and 2) ocean water that has been substantially concentrated.

SEA-90 is an example of the sea solids form. It's a great product.

But although I like the idea of using sea solids because then I wouldn't be paying for the water component of ocean water, the evidence points to the liquid products being more effective.

For liquid products, GroPal looks good (also called Ocean Trace in the U.S.), but it's from Australia, so it should be used in Australia, not shipped over to North America.

The 2 main North American products I come across are OceanSolution and Sea-Crop (the product I've been using for many years).

From what I can tell, Sea-Crop is many times more concentrated than OceanSolution, although it can be hard to find this info because the companies don't publish it.

Another difference with Sea-Crop is that they remove 95% of the sodium chloride. Their argument is that sodium and chloride make up such a big percentage of the mineral component of ocean water, so if we remove most of them, we can get more of the other elements. I've looked at the composition of ocean water and I see what they're saying.

Other companies argue that there's no need to remove it, that sodium and chloride are a natural part of seawater. And that makes sense to me, too. I'm happy to bring some sodium into my soil in small amounts, especially when my soil is deficient, and even a little chloride, too.

The bigger reason I like the Sea-Crop product is that they put a lot of effort into retaining the organic component of the water – the microbes and microscopic plant matter. This component is substantially decreased in sea solids fertilizers and I haven't seen it mentioned by other liquid products.

Anyway, I'd love to do some experiments with all of them someday, although I don't know how much of a difference I'll find.

In the meantime, I encourage you to get any of them. For now, I'm still very happy with the Sea-Crop.

How To Use Sea Crop In The Garden

Sea-Crop is more expensive than liquid seaweed and fish, but the application rate is lower so it actually ends up costing less.

Since I also use liquid fish fertilizer, I alternate them every other month (eg. fish in March, sea minerals in April, fish in May, etc.). I use seaweed every month along with them.

In my garden, per 1000 square feet, I use 1/3 cup of Sea Crop, 4 times per year.

That works out to nearly 1.3 cups per 1000 square feet per year.

If you want to spray it weekly, use 20ml (1 1/3 Tbsp) per 1000 square feet instead.

The dilution rate can be between 1:50 and 1:100. I go with 1:50, which is a gallon of water for every 1/3 cup of sea minerals. I just use a hose-end sprayer set to spray 5 Tbsp per gallon.

Here are the annual application rate recommendations from the manufacturer:

  • Garden Produce: 4 gallons per acre (1.5 cups per 1000 square feet).
  • Row Crops: 2 to 4 gallons per acre (0.75-1.5 cups per 1000 square feet).
  • Trees:
    • 3-6 feet tall: 1/2 cup per tree, not to exceed 10 gallons per acre.
    • 6-12 feet: 3/4 cup per tree, not to exceed 10 gallons per acre.
  • Lawns: 2 to 4 gallons per acre (0.75-1.5 cups per 1000 square feet).

Note: The manufacturer of this sea minerals product says it's best not to apply it in the same spray as liquid fish in order to keep its effectiveness optimal – I'm not sure how big of an issue that is, but it's one reason I started alternating them every other month.

But other than that, sea minerals is great mixed with liquid seaweed, molasses, and microbial inoculants.

You can also soak seeds overnight before planting at 1 teaspoon per cup of water. You can optionally mix in 1 teaspoon of liquid seaweed fertilizer.

You Can Get It Here

In summary, this sea minerals fertilizer:

  • Is my favorite fertilizer, often producing impressive increases in growth and yield, not to mention plant health.
  • Is made by concentrating clean ocean water many times, removing most of the sodium chloride, keeping the other remaining 80+ elements along with the beneficial organic component.
  • Is organic, OMRI-Listed, and produced sustainably.

As a free bonus when you order today, I'll also enroll you in my online Biostimulants course.

Just click 'Add To Cart' up above!

"So much of my gardening was neglected this year, and here in PA we had almost no rain from July to September. One thing I did do, however, was to apply the diluted Sea Crop solution to my two Simplicity rose bushes, which I planted probably 10 years ago and had never done much over the years, except bloom in late August and into the Fall. In the first few years, they were being eaten alive by Japanese Beetles every year. I used to dress them with used coffee grounds and give them a shot of Miracle-Gro now and then, but they never really grew into anything spectacular. This year I gave them 2-3 applications of Sea Crop, and was surprised to see a lot more late-Summer blooms on them, plus, they grew to at least twice their normal height! In all the years they've been in the ground, I had never seen such a noticeable improvement."

Rick in PA


  • I ship in the U.S. only. I ship 7 days a week.
  • In the continental U.S., shipping is $10 (if your order is $99 or less) or free (if your order is $100 or more).
  • All of my products have a 1 year 100% money-back guarantee.
  • If you have a question about a product, leave it in the comment section below I'll try to respond within a few hours.
  • Dry fertilizers and compost tea brewers ship separately so they will arrive on their own maybe a day or 2 apart from my other products.
  • I send a percentage of every order to Thrive For Good and other similar organizations. They're working mostly in Africa to help communities grow organic, medicinal food for themselves, and then use the surplus food to generate income for themselves as well as feeding the orphans in their communities.

Free $25 Bonus When You Buy Today

When you buy this sea minerals fertilizer, you get enrolled in my online Biostimulants course.

The course includes 10 videos totaling about 75 minutes where I chat about seaweed, fish, sea minerals, molasses/dextrose, rock dust, and how to use them all.

How Much 5 10 15 Fertilizer For A 1700 Sq Ft Garden


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