
How To Kill Physalis In A Garden

Diana was a Member of the Royal Horticultural Society. She & her family all love gardening. She enjoys photographing & painting plants too.

This article will break down all you need to know about the poisonous plants known as Chinese lantern, deadly nightshade, and castor oil plant.

This article will break down all you need to know about the poisonous plants known as Chinese lantern, deadly nightshade, and castor oil plant.

Beware of Chinese Lantern (Physalis), Deadly Nightshade (Atropine) and Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus)

Many people sail through life thinking "This will never happen to me". But when it comes to poisoning by toxic plants, you can never be 100% sure—haven't you ever brushed against stinging nettles and felt a very unpleasant tingling, stinging rash for several hours afterwards? Of course that could happen even if you know very well what nettles look like. It just needs a moment's inattention whilst you are gardening or walking through a field or overgrown path.

A few days ago, I felt a prickly sensation after putting on my leather gardening gloves. It felt like a small rose thorn. I inspected my thumb but there was nothing to see. For hours afterwards and up through following day, it became red and tingly—not agony, but very unpleasant and a bit worrying. Then I remembered that some weeks ago I had brushed against some stinging nettles. Goodness knows how anything got inside the gloves, or how it lasted so long, but at least I solved the mystery.

So staying alert and mindful is probably your best protection, but first you need knowledge. Then, with knowledge comes wisdom.

This article will provide information on three poisonous plants: Chinese lantern, deadly nightshade and castor oil plant.

Chinese Lantern or Physalis Alkekengi

Chinese Lantern or Physalis Alkekengi

Chinese Lantern Plant (Strawberry Ground Cherry or Physalis Alkekengi)

The attractive, bright orange seed pods of Chinese lanterns (Physalis alkekengi) are poisonous, and the unripe berries can be highly toxic and possibly fatal (although the ripe fruit is edible).

Poisonous Parts: Unripe berries, leaves.

Symptoms: Headache, stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, low temperature, dilated pupils, breathing problems and numbness.

Deadly Nightshade or Atropa Belladonna

Deadly Nightshade or Atropa Belladonna

Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna)

Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) is one of the most toxic plants found in the Western Hemisphere. Children have been poisoned by eating as few as two berries, and ingestion of a single leaf of belladonna can be fatal to an adult.

It is a perennial plant that grows between 2 to 4 feet (0.6 to 1.2 metres) tall. Deadly nightshade has dull, dark green leaves and bell-shaped, purple, scented flowers, which bloom from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The green berries turn to shiny black as they ripen. They are attractive to children because they are sweet and juicy.

Although toxic to humans and to some animals, horses, rabbits and sheep can eat the leaves and birds can feed on the berries without harm.

The poisons contained in deadly nightshade affect the nervous system. Taken in sufficient doses, the deadly poison paralyzes nerve endings in the involuntary muscles of the body, such as the blood vessels, heart and gastrointestinal muscles.

Uses of atropine from deadly nightshade: In the past, Italian women would put the juice of deadly nightshade in their eyes to brighten them by dilating the pupils, which makes the eyes look larger.

Atropine, one of the poisons in deadly nightshade, is still regularly used in ophthalmology to dilate pupils.

Poisonous Parts: Deadly nightshade contains poison in its stems, leaves, berries and roots—all parts of this plant are toxic. The young plants and seeds are especially poisonous, causing nausea, muscle twitches and paralysis; it is often fatal. The root of the plant is generally the most toxic part, however.

Symptoms: Dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, headaches, confusion and convulsions. As few as two ingested berries can kill a child, and 10–20 berries would kill an adult. Even handling the plant can cause irritation.

Read More From Dengarden

Ricinus Communis or Castor Oil Plant or Castor Bean

Ricinus Communis or Castor Oil Plant or Castor Bean

Castor Bean or Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus Communis)

The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) is widely cultivated throughout the world for its castor oil, but the seeds contain a deadly poison: ricin.

It grows well in barren areas and can reach 36 feet (11 metres) in a season. The flowers of the plant are yellowish green with red centers, while the leaves are large with toothed edges.

Uses of Ricinus communis: Castor oil, which comes from the seeds, is a mild-tasting vegetable oil that is used in many food additives and flavorings and is also used also as a laxative. In ancient times, the castor bean was used in ointments and, allegedly, Cleopatra applied the oil to the whites of her eyes to brighten them.

Castor bean plant is used in Paclitaxel, a chemotherapy drug, in Sandimmune, a drug for immune suppression, and in Xenaderm, a topical for skin ulcers.

Poisonous Parts: Ricin is present in low levels throughout the plant, but it is largely concentrated in the seed coating. Seed poisonings are rare and usually involve children and pets, but they can be deadly. As few as three seeds, which are green with brown markings, could kill a child who swallows them.

What Is Ricin?

Ricin is a toxin that is fatal to humans in extremely small doses. Just 1 milligram is a deadly amount if inhaled or ingested, and only 500 micrograms of the substance would kill an adult if it were injected (CDC). Ricin comes from the castor bean plant and is present in the mash that is left over after grinding castor beans into oil. It can be delivered as a powder, a mist or a pill.

Ricin is a ribosome-inactivating protein. It irrevocably damages the ribosomes that carry out protein synthesis in cells. The ribosome-inactivating proteins found in the castor bean plant are extremely powerful, and ricin poisoning can do serious damage to major organs.

Symptoms of Ricin Poisoning

Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, internal bleeding and kidney and circulation failure are the main symptoms of ricin poisoning. Many people suffer from an allergic reaction to the dust from the seeds and may experience coughing, muscle aches and difficulty breathing. Exposure to the dust is most common in areas where the beans are processed for commercial use.

There is no known antidote for ricin poisoning.

Exposure to ricin can be fatal if it is inhaled, ingested or injected. While skin or eye contact with ricin can cause pain, it is typically not fatal in that type of exposure.

The initial symptoms of ricin sickness—which may appear anywhere from 3–12 hours from the time of exposure—include coughing, fever and stomach pains.

If ingested, the main symptoms within the first hours are stomach ache, gastroenteritis, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Over the course of the first days after exposure, the victim may experience symptoms of dehydration and low blood pressure.

Ricin inhalation can manifest as lung damage, including pulmonary edema (fluid in and swelling of the lungs).

Other possible symptoms include seizures and problems with the central nervous system.

If the exposure is fatal, the victim most likely will die within five days. If death does not occur in that time, the victim will most likely recover.

More Poisonous Plants in this Series

  • Iris, Azalea and Hydrangea
  • Lily of the Valley, Poison Ivy and Foxglove (Digitalis)
  • Hellebore, Oleander and Vinca or Periwinkle
  • Daffodils, Lantana and Euphorbia
  • Phsalis, Deadly Nightshade and Castor Oil Plant

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2010 Diana Grant

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on September 13, 2016:

Thanks for that - but I've always known the photographed plant as deadly nightshade!

michael brown on September 10, 2016:

The picture of deadly nightshade is in fact woody nightshade- a very common mistake to make.....

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on July 01, 2016:

I don't know, is the simple answer - you'd need to see a doctor.

ALM on June 24, 2016:

Oh my goodness! That castor plant, or something that looks just like the picture, grows all over the place between my house and my kid's school. During the school year I walk them to school and I have more seizures than normal (I am epileptic). I mean triple the number of seizures I was having before they started school. Could it actually be because of this plant? I don't think there is any seed dust or anything flying around....Now I am paranoid.

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on June 14, 2016:

If it's not deadly nightshade, do you know what it is? I certainly thought it was.

Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on June 02, 2016:

The plant in the photo of "deadly nightshade" is not deadly nightshade.

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on July 23, 2015:

English equivalent?

Thelma Alberts from Germany on June 16, 2015:

I have no idea about these plants that they are poisonous. Thanks for sharing the information.

JanieceTobey on September 21, 2014:

Wow! How interesting! I'm not sure if I was more shocked to read what Cleopatra did, or to hear about what might happen if you accidentally get poked with someone's umbrella!

Giovanna from UK on September 21, 2014:

I had no idea about the Chinese Lantern! Thanks for the info.

GrammieOlivia on September 21, 2014:

Great information here, just have to share this too!

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on May 02, 2014:

@MadBotanist: Thanks for all that info.

Funnily enough, I've written an article about Ricin -

MadBotanist on April 30, 2014:

As a poison gardener, I have to say that this is an extremely well informed post. Bravo. Especially distinguishing between woody nightshade and deadly nightshade, the internet is rife with confusion between those two plants. For southern growers, there is also the threat of the rosary pea, Abrus precatorius, which has become an invasive weed in some areas. It contains a toxin called abrin, which is the most lethal compound in the plant world. It is very similar to ricin both in structure and function. Abrin is very concentrated in the brightly colored red and black seeds. Ingestion of a single seed with a broken seed coat is supposed to be enough to kill the average adult. It gets its name from the tradition of making beads from the seeds, and there are stories of bead makers boring holes in the seeds with needles who slip and prick themselves on the finger and die.

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on February 28, 2013:

@ohcaroline: It's a good thing you didn't cook them in with the beans, then, isn't it?!

ohcaroline on February 27, 2013:

I didn't know about the ricin in the caster bean plant. I used to have them in a corner of my lot.

Lorelei Cohen from Canada on February 24, 2013:

There definitely are a lot of plants out there that people do not realize are poisonous.

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on February 24, 2013:

@What_to_Know: That's good!

What_to_Know on February 24, 2013:

This had more info than some textbooks I have.

anonymous on October 12, 2012:

Your pics are so beautiful ~ crisp and clear. And I love the way you talk/write; can hear your accent throught the words. I am a Master Gardener as well and live in the US of A. Enjoyed reading about the pennies. My mother used to pick up EVERY penny on the ground. And I thought Mother! are we that poor! Enjoyed your poisonous plants info as I have the Chinese Lantern. Good to know the orange pods are ok; but still would not drop any for the dachshunds to play with and eat. Cherrio!

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on September 09, 2012:

@MizzMary: My mother and mother-in-law both loved gardening, and enthused a whole generation, some of whom actually earn a living now from gardening and landscaping after attending horticultural courses. Me - I'm just an enthusiastic amateur

MizzMary on September 08, 2012:

One more helpful lens about plants from you. I am also a gardener, though with much less experience than you and so I bow to your knowledge.

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on August 31, 2012:

@norma-holt: Thanks so much XX

norma-holt on August 22, 2012:

Returned to feature on Blessed hy Skiesgreen 2012-2 and also on Plain Cigarette Packaging. You do a great job bringing these things to our attention, Hugs.

JoshK47 on May 30, 2012:

Most informative, indeed - blessed by this SquidAngel! :)

Rickcpl on May 17, 2012:

Very Informative!

getwellsoon on May 14, 2012:

I learned a lot here, thank you!

Peggy Hazelwood from Desert Southwest, U.S.A. on March 15, 2012:

My mom used to plant castor beans to get rid of moles (they eat the beans and die). If a plant grew, she knew that bean didn't get eaten. Ann Rule also wrote Bitter Harvest about a woman who poisoned her husband using castor beans. Interesting stuff!

Lorelei Cohen from Canada on January 22, 2012:

My first sprinkling of angel dust on this lens has long worn off so I am back once again to scatter a little more. It is my quest today to bless all the lenses which I blessed in October of 2010. You are on this list.

Lorelei Cohen from Canada on January 22, 2012:

My first sprinkling of angel dust on this lens has long worn off so I am back once again to scatter a little more. It is my quest today to bless all the lenses which I blessed in October of 2010. You are on this list.

RinchenChodron on December 03, 2011:

Very interesting and useful. I published my Castor Bean lens a while ago and ran across this lens just today. They may be poisonous but are also very beautiful.

baumchen on November 03, 2011:

Hope that the Physalis that I love to eat is not toxic as well ;)

EMangl on October 01, 2011:

plenty of toxic plants out there where people would never think that they are dangerous

KarenCookieJar on July 30, 2011:

I always wonder about this stuff when I am reading an Agatha Christie novel and she is talking about some poison from a yew tree or some such.

Laraine Sims from Lake Country, B.C. on July 30, 2011:

I have chinese lanterns growing in one of my flower beds. I just love the look of them .. I didn't realise that they were poisonous. I'd better stick with my nasturtium flowers and seeds for use in my salads. I'll use the lanterns for decorations.

Diana Grant (author) from United Kingdom on June 22, 2011:

@anonymous: I had always thought that the plant which I pictured was Deadly Nightshade. I did do research, but unfortunately the website where I found the photo (and which I acknowledged on my web page) was wrong too, and I didnât realize, because it tallied with what I thought myself, as it grows locally and I was told that's what it was.

I shall keep the top picture, as the solanum dulcamara is still poison, but I will change the other photos.

I really appreciate Rob Large taking the time to explain the difference at length.

anonymous on June 21, 2011:

The plant illustrated above is NOT Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna), it is the related Woody Nightshade or Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara). Although related, the plants are not very similar and are very easy to tell apart. Atropa has large reddish-brown to purple bell-shaped flowers and black fruit, while Solanum has star-shaped purple flowers with a yellow middle and red fruit.

While it is true that Solanum is toxic and probabaly does contain atropine, it is far from being one of the deadliest plants in europe. Atropa on the other hand is very very toxic, but is also very very rare, if you are lucky enough to have it in your garden you should preserve it and treasure it (although keep children away).

I think it is very important that if you are going to publish material such as this, you should at least check your facts. It is clear that the text above refers to Atropa not Solanum, but your plant ID is way off the mark.

anonymous on March 22, 2011:

How wonderfully excellent and informative, you could be saving lives here.

Dinostore on March 11, 2011:

This is incredibly interesting and thorough, you create beautiful lenses :) Thumbs up and fav'd.

beerhead on March 03, 2011:

Great and useful info here Very nice lens.

Tyla MacAllister on January 30, 2011:

Everyone should know how to identify harmful plants. Nightshades are especially dangerous to have around children because the berries are so tempting.

*This lens has been blessed by a squidangel.*

Mona from Iowa on January 29, 2011:

So pretty to be poisonous. Since I have a horse on pasture I'm always looking for dangerous plants. Thanks for this.

poutine on January 11, 2011:

I didn't know that the Chinese Lantern was poisonous.

Thanks for this lens

Lee Hansen from Vermont on January 02, 2011:

I was aware of belladonna and castor bean dangers but dd not realize the Chinese lantern plant was toxic. I've ripped out all three that have invaded my home garden every year - I'll work on them with a vengeance even more so now. Thank you for the enlightenment!

scar4 on November 16, 2010:

In my hometown where there is a lot of Chinese lantern plant as well as castor oil plant, we naughty kids often play games with these plants. Really fresh to know the poisonous effects of them.

WriterBuzz on November 01, 2010:

If you like coffee, check out my lens on Who Invented Coffee. I found your lens by accident, and it's really nice. I gave you a thumbs up. Look forward to more lenses from you. I also did one on Migraine Headaches that might interest you. If you surf on by, leave me a comment.

myneverboredhands on October 16, 2010:

I do remember what we learned about Belladonna way back in middle school (because it was very common in our area), and about Chinese lantern I learned when I was in University... but about Castor trees I've learned about today from your lens. Very informative lens about poisonous plants, especially for those who didn't know about them at all, and for other it won't hurt to be reminded. Thumbs up and Fav.

ZablonMukuba on October 15, 2010:

this is a great lens, i will be careful about the plants i see in china

Lorelei Cohen from Canada on October 13, 2010:

Wow what an amazing job you have done on this lens. Blessed by a squid angel this morning. Have a wonderful day :)

RebeccaE on October 12, 2010:

this is fascinating, I never knew about the effects of these plants, and I am certain most do not. excellent and informative.

Jeanette from Australia on September 30, 2010:

My word. What a fascinating lens. These nasty plants all look so beautiful!

anonymous on September 18, 2010:

Wow, I didn't realize that my Chinese Lanterns were poisonous, I love them, they are so beautiful. My mother used to enjoy them in her dried flower arrangements. We don't have any children or animals here, and I'm not going to eat any of the plant (chuckle), so I will still keep them. Another great gardening lens, thank you! - Kathy

anonymous on September 01, 2010:

Thank you for your help. A friend was arguing about phsalis being poisonous but I knew I had read it somewhere. They are lovely lanterns but not worth the risk if you have small children.

anonymous on July 05, 2010:

Another great lens on such an important topic. Many do not know just what they plant and grow in the garden. *-*Blessed*-* and featured on Sprinkled with Stardust

How To Kill Physalis In A Garden


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