
Phil Spencer: Microsoft is committed to growing first-party Xbox content and studios

The Xbox I clocked in at ane.31 TFLOPS while the PlayStation iv came in at 1.84 TFLOPS. Microsoft was pumping out exclusives similar Dead Ascension 3 and Sunset Overdrive only they failed to make an impact, in part because many gamers preferred not to invest in the weaker console.

Since and then it seems that Microsoft has cut back on exclusives — this year existence the nearly startling example of this — in favor of providing gamers with what they phone call the all-time way to play tertiary-party games. The Xbox One Ten features vi TFLOPS of power and it's significantly more than than the PlayStation 4 Pro which is at 4.2 TFLOPS. However, the lack of compelling exclusives is noticeable. While Nintendo and Sony have new experiences similar Horizon Zip Dawn, The Fable of Zelda: Jiff of the Wild, and Super Mario Odyssey that accept made waves in 2022, Microsoft tin can't say the same. Forza Motorsport seven garnered great reviews but it'southward still the continuation of the yearly franchise.

Fable Legends: canceled.

The cancellation of games similar Fable Legends and Scalebound has left a lot of Xbox One owners concerned virtually the future. Luckily, a few months agone Aaron Greenberg, Head of Xbox Games Marketing at Microsoft, said that the company had signed deals for many new exclusives. Since then we haven't heard nearly the team's plans. In a recent interview with GameSpot, Shannon Loftis, General Manager of Microsoft Studios Publishing, reiterated that. She said the post-obit.

Scalebound: canceled.

I recollect our offering is skilful and information technology is solid. I definitely hear that gamers desire more. Would we love to take two-dozen more super-strong, absolutely exclusives? You bet. We exercise have more coming; more that are in the works that nosotros're non talking nigh at present.

Microsoft has learned from the Crackdown 3 and Scalebound debacles about announcing games likewise early. Yet, it would still exist prissy if the company provided a rough judge on the number of games and their genres. Keeping their plans secret when many gamers are worried seems similar it will injure the company due to lingering uncertainty. Instead of ownership a new Xbox One X, they might pick up a PlayStation 4 Pro because it offers a heave in visuals and has a lot of compelling titles coming in 2022 and beyond. It might not matter that the Xbox One Ten is the near powerful device on the marketplace.

Speaking with Bloomberg, Caput of Xbox Phil Spencer confirmed that the company is looking at starting new studios and acquiring existing ones. He's aware of the problem and, while the solution might take time, they know they take to expand. Spencer added the following.

We demand to grow, and I wait forward to doing that. Our power to get create content has to be one of our strengths. Nosotros haven't always invested at the same level.

Crackdown 3: delayed.

Withal, while expanding first-political party studios is necessary, making certain y'all pb the competition in terms of features is another step. Recently, Sony announced the ability for PlayStation owners to use their Trophies — the equivalent of Gamerscore on Sony's platforms — to purchase games. Players can earn credit towards game purchases depending on how many PlayStation Trophies they take. A like program seems similar a great extension for Microsoft Rewards or Xbox Quests.

In a separate statement on Twitter, Spencer said that the company would "requite it a try." It'southward unclear if this means that they'll test it out internally or if information technology will make its way to Xbox Preview members.

It's dandy to see that Microsoft is aware of the problems with the platform, merely they need to accelerate the process. It seems that their competitors are making tremendous strides in this section where Microsoft is just getting its human foot off the ground. Hopefully, that will change soon and the company volition satisfy fans at E3 2022. It's definitely seems similar a daunting task though. Hopefully it's non an incommunicable one.


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