
Will An Activated Charcoal Water Filter Remove Radon?

Image:BlueBottleFill.jpgNeed an activated carbon filter treatment system for purifying your individual well water?
Things to consider before buying…

Constructive AGAINST: Unwanted tastes, odors, chlorine and iodine residuals, detergents, radon, and some man-made, organic chemicals such as many pesticides, and volatile organic chemicals, such as paint thinners. Pb and other heavy metals are removed only by a very specific type of activated carbon filter.

Not EFFECTIVE Against: Activated carbon filtration will not remove microbes, sodium, nitrates, fluoride, and hardness. Unless the manufacturer states that its product volition remove heavy metals, the consumer should assume that the filter is not effective in removing them.


  • 1 How Activated Carbon Treatment Works
  • two Types of Units
    • 2.1 Pour-through units
    • ii.two Faucet mount units
    • 2.iii In-line device
    • 2.4 Line-bypass unit of measurement
    • 2.five Whole-firm treatment or indicate-of-entry
  • iii Unit Effectiveness
  • 4 Maintenance
  • five Other Considerations
  • 6 Questions to Ask Before You Buy

How Activated Carbon Handling Works

These devices are normally known as carbon filters. They actually absorb contaminants to an activated carbon medium. Activated carbon filters are used to remove unwanted tastes, odors, radon, and some homo-made volatile organic contaminants from drinking water. The efficiency of the unit depends on the type of activated carbon installed, the filter bed depth, the type and concentration of contaminants in the water, and the contact time betwixt the water and the carbon filter. Activated carbon filters are recommended for h2o without bacteria present.

Carbon filters are like shooting fish in a barrel to install and maintain, and operating costs are normally express to filter replacement. Depending on the type and concentration of the contaminant beingness removed, some carbon filters may require special hazardous waste treatment and disposal, which tin can exist costly. Other filter types are also bachelor including charcoal and ceramic materials.

Activated carbon filters exercise not adsorb every type of contaminant every bit. The solid material used in an activated carbon filter is a specialized carbon manufactured for these purposes. Contaminants adhere to the surface of these carbon granules or become trapped in the small pores of the filter. More often than not, an activated carbon filter is used with a pre-handling filter to remove sediment or iron particles that may exist present and can clog the carbon filter.

Granular activated carbon treatment is most mutual for private water systems. Granular activated carbon is an constructive filter for removing organic chemicals that may exist in drinking water. Many other small devices utilize carbon that has been pressed into a solid block. Use of cake carbon may result in a pregnant driblet in home water pressure. These devices also clog easily if the h2o is cloudy or contains particles. A constructed resin may exist a substitute for carbon. Although activated carbon is efficient in removing a variety of organic chemicals, a peculiarly formulated synthetic resin may be a amend absorber for a specific contaminant.

Types of Units

Activated carbon filters come in both point-of-entry units and point-of-use units. All activated carbon units differ in level of treatment, installation, storage requirements, and cost. Likewise, some devices are better at treating certain contaminants than others. Discuss the options with a treatment specialist. In addition, confirm that the handling unit has been tested to meet manufacturer's claims. See questions to ask for more details on product certification.

There are five basic types of activated carbon systems. The item activated carbon device appropriate for a given situation is determined by the type and concentration of the contaminant and the unit's blueprint, including how much carbon it contains.

Pour-through units

Similar in blueprint to a drip coffee maker, cascade-through units are the simplest type of an activated carbon filter. A quantity of untreated water is poured through the carbon, and the treated water is collected in a storage container. These units are not connected to the h2o supply and unremarkably sit on the counter. They are portable, require no installation and are convenient for camping or picnicking. Pour-through devices will care for only small amounts of h2o at a given time and are not generally equally constructive as larger, automatic units. They are cheap merely do not contain plenty activated carbon or provide sufficient contact time between the carbon and the water for reliable contaminant removal. The filter material needs to be replaced. Significant bacterial growth tin occur on the carbon in these units, and so they should be flushed thoroughly if unused for more than a few days.

Faucet mount units

Faucet mountain units are fastened to the faucet (ordinarily in the kitchen) or placed on the counter with connections to the faucet. At that place are 2 bones designs: the bypass selection, which has a valve to filter water used for cooking and drinking (this prolongs the life of the carbon cartridge), and the non-bypass option, which filters all h2o passing through the faucet. Because the quantity of carbon independent in a faucet-mount unit is non big plenty to provide extensive contact time with the water, these devices are non recommended for removal of organic chemicals. Equally with the pour-through units, the filter material is unremarkably replaced. Significant bacterial growth can occur on the carbon in these units, and so they should be flushed thoroughly if unused for more than than a few days.

In-line device

The in-line device is installed beneath the kitchen sink in the cold water supply line to treat water for drinking or cooking. If both hot and cold h2o come up from a single faucet, the treated (cold) water can mix with the untreated (hot) h2o. Treated water is assured only when using cold water for drinking and cooking.

Line-featherbed unit

The line-featherbed unit is also attached to the cold water pipe, just a divide faucet installed at the sink provides treated water for cooking and drinking. The regular tap delivers untreated water. This pattern increases the life of the carbon by allowing a choice of treated or untreated water, depending on the intended use. The separate faucet system slows the flow rate, which increases contact fourth dimension and adsorption effectiveness. Neither in-line nor line-bypass units are recommended for removing radon or volatile organic chemicals.

Whole-house handling or point-of-entry

Whole-house treatment or point-of-entry is recommended for treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), radon and other contaminants that should be treated before entering the house. Since VOCs easily vaporize from water into the air, point-of-entry treatment prevents inhalation and skin contact of hazardous vapors from the shower, dishwasher, washing automobile, or other times when large amounts of h2o are used. This device should run into certain guidelines apropos the application rate of water to the carbon, contact time between the h2o and the carbon, the type of carbon used, and the concentration of contaminant(south) to be removed. Point-of-entry devices are installed where the water enters the house, so they treat all the water used in the dwelling house. Systems used should be vented to the outside atmosphere so as non to cause a build up of harmful vapors inside the habitation. In that location is no bypass option, although water can be diverted for outdoor use prior to treatment.

Unit of measurement Effectiveness

The effectiveness of an activated carbon unit depends on the extent of contact between the carbon and the untreated h2o. During operation of carbon filters it is possible for channels to form within the filter which volition permit some of the water to pass through untreated. Since treatment depends on the carbon granules adsorbing the chemic contaminants, these channels decrease the contact time and the effectiveness of the carbon filter unit. A disadvantage of block carbon is that if information technology is unevenly compressed when manufactured, irregular flow patterns may affect contaminant removal.

There are two main procedures to determine how much a carbon filter can adsorb: the iodine exam and the phenol exam. The iodine number is defined as the amount of iodine (in milligrams) adsorbed by one gram of carbon under a certain set of conditions. The larger the number, the more than the carbon filter can adsorb. Phenol is some other measure out of effectiveness. The lower the phenol number, the ameliorate the carbon is at removing organics. When comparing dwelling carbon devices, pay attending to these values.

Please go along in mind that manufacturers tend to study the all-time removal rate for their production. The values are ofttimes the amount the unit will remove at the beginning of use for a single contaminant at moderate concentrations. Units having a larger bed book of carbon usually remove a greater quantity of contaminants. Some types of activated carbon will remove specific contaminants better than others. Buyers need to examine as many products as possible and know exactly what contaminant they desire the unit to remove. Y'all will also need to know how much water is used in the domicile on an average twenty-four hour period to adequately size the treatment system. Additionally, have both the raw water (prior to handling) and the treated water retested after a unit of measurement is installed to ensure it is functioning properly.


Regardless of the quality of the equipment purchased, it will not perform satisfactorily unless maintained in accord with the manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance, cleaning, and part replacement. Keep a log volume to tape water exam results, equipment maintenance and repairs.

Nigh activated carbon filter units need to have the carbon inverse periodically. For small specialty units, the entire unit is normally replaced. Cartridge filters are the easiest to alter.

Before purchasing a unit, consider the ease of opening the filter housing and the amount of space required to change the filter. Service periods vary greatly. Pocket-sized units with heavy loads of contaminants may need replacement monthly or more often, while a six-month service interval is frequently brash for the cartridge filters. Since some filters care for up to a particular corporeality of water, a water meter installed on the filter can assistance estimate when carbon replacement is necessary.

Depending on the blazon and concentration of the contaminant being removed, some carbon filters may crave special chancy waste handling and disposal, which can exist costly. An example would be carbon filters used to remove radon in drinking water. Information technology is important to plant beforehand how handling and disposal will work and whether alternative handling methods or locating alternative water sources (such as installing a new well in a new location, tying into a public water supply if available, or using bottled h2o) would be more constructive in the long run.

Other Considerations

Activated carbon is an excellent medium for growing bacteria. Bacterial growths will plug and coat the activated carbon and reduce the effectiveness of the filter and can innovate bacteria into your drinking water. Allowing the water to run through the filter for at least 30 seconds is a good practice to flush out bacteria that may accept accumulated and grown in the filter. Backwashing and regular filter replacement likewise help reduce leaner build-upward.

Questions to Enquire Earlier Y'all Buy

Earlier purchasing a water handling device, accept your water tested at a state certified laboratory to decide the contaminants present. This will help y'all determine if an activated-carbon filter is an effective treatment method for your situation. Come across Questions to Ask Before You Buy A Water Treatment Arrangement for more information.

Adapted from:
Wagenet,50., M. Mancl, and M. Sailus. (1995). Home Water Treatment. Northeast Regional Agronomical Engineering Service, Cooperative Extension. NRAES-48. Ithaca, NY.

Will An Activated Charcoal Water Filter Remove Radon?,


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