
How To Clean Giant Stuffed Animal Reddit

Posted by 7 years ago


[asking] how to launder a stuffed Teddy deport

Are there any steps I should follow or should I just soak information technology in h2o and use a toothbrush for the exterior?

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level 1

I take done plenty of stuffed animals in the washer on delicate cycle. Y'all can put it inside a tied pillowcase if you're worried almost push button optics getting scratched or fun fur getting snagged. Then tumble dry out on low heat - checking every 10 minutes or then to make sure information technology'south not being damaged or anything. They always come out great this way for me.

level ii

Agreed washing auto is just fine. Just brush it subsequently to get its fluffy feel back

level two

I remember, as a child, seeing my teddy hanging on the line by it's ear. Information technology always seemed cruel to me. Tumble drying sounds good, in or out of the pillowcase?

level two

What about a boob like this would y'all put that in the automobile?

(The instructions claim that you should simply surface wash somehow.)

Edit: Life pro tip, don't get a cute puppet similar this unless you want to go a little fleck crazy.

level 2

I put stuff similar that in a bra pocketbook that my girlfriend has.

level 2

Do you think the pillowcase would keep it from falling autonomously? I've sewn it back together once or twice but the stitching isn't perfect, so I worry that the force of the machine might cause it to come autonomously.

level 2

I tend to practise the animals with my pillows, thus when I dry out them I put make clean tennis balls in with them. Helps with the fluff

level 1

Utilise an onetime pair of tights or stockings. Stuff the bear into one of the legs, it keeps all the stuffings in, specially if it'due south a fragile erstwhile matter like mine. I take never had an outcome! Can put it on normal cycle and even in the dryer.

level 1

When I was younger, my dad e'er put my stuffies in one of those bra laundry bag things on a fragile bike. Hopper the blimp rabbit never stayed dirty for long.

level ii

I'm reminded of that Calvin and Hobbes with Hobbes in the washer.

level 1

I take been washing my daughters favorite bunny for years now. I stick it un a pillow instance and use a rubber band to close it. Then I wash it and dry information technology like normal. I've also pulled out the stuffing and washed the exterior and so restuffed with new stuffing when it was peculiarly stinky.

level 1

I normally wash as directed here, in a pillowcase or internet bag. Merely I accept also heard of folks washing items that need to hold their shaped forms (like baseball caps) in the summit rack of the dishwasher. Then depending on the structure of the stuffed animal, that might work.

level 2

This is a practiced thought for anything you lot don't desire tossed effectually too. I do this with my dog's collars and leashes so their metallic parts don't make a racket in the washer/dryer. Also then the long leashes don't get tangled.

level 2

No, those are cocky-cleaning.

level 1

I accept a 30 twelvemonth old bear. He'southward beat up (by me growing up) and been chewed upward (me/sister's dog) and I just throw him in the washing auto with my comforter virtually twice a yr. No (more) impairment to him always. If your bear's a large fluffball there may be some other artery to take, only I've never had whatsoever reason to worry

level 1

Idk I've always preferred a shower but I guess a soak and a toothbrush would work too.

level 1

Launder similar clothing. Exercise NOT DRYER. Cheap poly fibers will matt up and felt.


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