
Are There Any Animals That Sound Like A Little Child

Motion-picture show this – a quiet night with yous curled in your bed, just most to dose off. Suddenly, you hear the sound of a babe crying.

While this may sound similar the plot of a horror movie, at that place'south a very logical explanation for this. Some animals sound like screaming children.

What Animals Sound like a Child Screaming

In addition to well-known sounds, some animals accept special calls which sound man-like.

While this may be a coincidence for some animals, domesticated ones may intentionally brand these sounds to concenter people's attention.

Curious almost which animals sound like crying babies? Hither are ten that can easily fox you into believing a child is out in the wilderness.


Despite what the 2013 viral song 'What Does the Pull a fast one on Say?' claimed, foxes don't go "Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-prisoner of war." Instead, they have diverse vocalizations, but similar cats and dogs.

And one of those voices sounds like a screaming child.

Foxes can be heard making a scream-like howl. This audio is like to that of a baby undergoing torture.

As uncomfortable as that sounds, foxes make this sound, particularly during the convenance season in leap. While vixens mainly brand this sound to lure foxes, you may hear it from foxes.

And so, if your area has foxes, call back twice before going out to rescue any babies nearby.


Cats are domesticated animals that sound like screaming children.

One type of meow that cats make when they need something sounds very similar to a man babe crying.

Science has further proven that cats tin can meow at the same frequency as an baby's cry. One theory for this is that cats utilise human instincts to intendance for babies to their advantage.

Feral cats sound like babies as well. During heat periods, their calls while attracting mates are quite like to infants crying.


Many people have called 911 after hearing the sounds of bobcats during mating flavor. The wailing of these large cats has been compared to children screaming and women in agony.

Interestingly, the males make this sound while competing over females.

As snarls, growls, and howls usually follow it, this audio tin can be downright scary, peculiarly during winter nights, when bobcats' mating season begins.

However, at that place's nothing to worry nearly. Like many animals imitating children'due south sounds on this list, Bobcats are normally harmless.

You should keep your pets indoors, though these more giant cats may target them.


Porcupines sound exactly like cooing babies during the night. The kid-like noises of this animal may be behind the urban legends of ghost babies in the woods.

Porcupines are vocal animals that employ screeches, coughs, grunts, and more to communicate. They're particularly chatty while alert predators and relaying letters to 1 another.

If you get the chance to hear a porcupine's baby-like sound, yous may discover that it sounds a picayune cartoonish. However, it'll definitely audio scary if yous hear this sound during a pitch-black night.


Seeing apes on a list of animals that sound like children shouldn't come up as a surprise. Particularly considering how closely they're related to humans. One species, bonobos, sounds a lot like human being infants.

Co-ordinate to a report, these apes make high-pitched peep calls while feeding or traveling. These sounds are very similar to protophones, which are children'due south sounds earlier developing spoken communication.


Native to Australia, lyrebirds are excellent mimics who can imitate diverse sounds. So, information technology should exist no surprise that these animals make baby-like sounds.

Lyrebirds accept made the news because of this ability. In September 2021, a zoo visitor captured one of these birds, making an ear-splitting impersonation of a wailing baby.

A video of this birdcall afterward became viral across social media.

While this may be the story of i bird, more out, there may audio like wailing children. Then, maybe a trip downwards there will assistance resolve this mystery.


Parrots can sound like screaming children

Some other feathered animal that can imitate children'southward sounds is the parrot.

Parrots are experts in imitating various sounds ranging from ringtones to other animals. So, surely they can main the sounds of sobbing children.

And many parrots have, causing their owners a lot of trouble with their neighbors and even Child Protection Services.

And then, how can these birds make child-similar sounds?

Parrots' brains are structured uniquely to allow them to imitate sounds hands. What makes them more probable to pick sounds is their vocal learning abilities.

And these abilities are possible due to larger shells in their brains which further help imitate human sounds and oral communication.

Fisher Cats

Fisher cats are also interesting animals that sound like screaming children. Despite their proper noun, these mammals aren't feline or catch fish. They're members of the weasel family that tend to avert humans.

These nocturnal animals emit high pitch sounds similar to women or children. It'due south easy to mistake these sounds for bodily people calling out for help.

It'll be either while the fisher cat is hunting or looking for a mate if yous ever come beyond this sound. Therefore, the purpose of this sound is respectively to point a impale or attract the opposite gender.


Peacocks another bird on this list, are regal birds that provide a visual treat. Their voices, on the other hand, are a different story.

The shrill shrieks of these birds sound similar children existence tortured. And since these birds are loud, you tin await the sound to travel far and wide.

It was one of the main complaints of the residents of Pasadena in LA County. Co-ordinate to them, the birds "sound similar babies being tortured through a microphone."

Spotted Catbirds

Last only non least, spotted catbirds are 1 of the feathered animals that audio like screaming children.

Spotted catbirds are known for their pocket-sized, stout bodies and emerald-dark-green plumage. They earned their name because of their bizarre cat-like wailing calls.

And since cats are also animals that sound like crying babies, this bird'south call put it on this list.

Unfortunately, the chances of you hearing this bird live may be small-scale unless you reside in the rainforests of North Queensland in Commonwealth of australia, which is where this bird lives.

If y'all get the chance to hear it though, you can catch its cries effectually dawn and dusk.

What To Exercise if You Hear These Animals Imitating Screaming Children

You may be concerned if yous all of a sudden hear the audio of a child, be it cooing or wailing.

All the same, the first thing you should ask is whether any of these animals that sound like screaming children alive nearby.

If the reply is a 'yes', stay indoors. Considering that most animals make these sounds during mating and hunting periods, you're safer within your four walls.

If you're still worried and would rather investigate the sound source, contact the police.

They have the skill and gear to check whether you lot're hearing a child or an beast imitating 1. And then, don't let your marvel get the all-time of you.


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