
Can You Have A Stuffed Animal As Your Familiar

B7 Stuffed Animals _Crib

When information technology comes to gifts for a newborn, many new parents, grandparents, and other family members remember there is nil more perfect for a baby's room than a plush, stuffed animal. Only whether information technology's a teddy deport or a fluffy dinosaur, the truth of the matter is, blimp animals are not a rubber bet at all — particularly when they are placed near a sleeping baby.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a stuffed animal falls into the category of dangerous items that new parents and caregivers should never place near a sleeping baby in a crib or railroad vehicle. Other items in this category include pillow-like toys, blankets, quilts, crib bumpers, and other bedding. The reason why? It's because these items can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and death by suffocation or strangulation.

These innocent looking toys and plush items tin can be deadly because they tin can potentially embrace a babe's face and crusade suffocation. In fact, experts say that a babe should never sleep with soft objects during the first 12 months of life. This also includes pillows which should not be given to a kid until he or she is sleeping in a bed. The skilful news is that the take a chance of SIDS goes downwards significantly after 12 months at which time parents may wish to incorporate a special toy or comforting blanket into a crib.

Beyond keeping stuffed animals and other soft materials out of the crib, parents should besides follow these elementary rules on sleep prophylactic for infants:

The Do'southward:

  • Place your baby in a bare crib with no cover, pillows, bumper pads, or positioning devices.
  • Place your baby — both day or night — on her back when sleeping.
  • Identify your baby in a safe location for sleeping, such every bit a crib.
  • Use a firm crib mattress with a securely fitted sheet.

The Practice Not's:

  • Do non leave toys — including blimp animals — in your babe'south crib.
  • Do not cover your babe's confront or caput while sleeping.
  • Practice not share the same bed with your infant or fall asleep with your babe in a chair or sofa.
  • Do not overdress your infant or keep the room to warm.

By post-obit these simple safety rules, both baby and parent volition be able to rest much easier. For more than information on infant sleep safety, visit

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By ABC Quality Squad on July 9, 2019


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